Relief from OCD and anxiety disorders for Adults, Children and Adolescents

Are you suffering from:


Panic Attacks?

Can’t stop worrying?

Fears or Phobias?


OCD Solutions can help!

Anxiety disorders are a widespread problem affecting nearly one in five people. These disorders impact the sufferer in their personal, professional, and social dynamics. They also affect their families, who often helplessly watch wishing there was something they could do.

Rachel Factor is a master therapist licensed by New York State and Israel. She specializes in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and other anxiety disorders. She has been helping sufferers and their families to regain control of their lives for over 15 years.

Many people suffer from Anxiety Disorders. Some people receive the proper help and go on to live happier and healthier lives. Be one of them! You owe it to yourself to start living the life that you’ve been missing!

It’s possible to overcome anxiety, and within the safety of therapy you can do just that, realize a life without that constant fear. No more monsters. You were not born feeling anxiety. With the correct treatment, you can put these feeling states behind you. You can move on.

Extreme feelings associated with anxiety can have a major, disruptive effect on an individual’s existence, having an impact on your home, work or social life and often seriously limiting the ability to live life in a normal manner.

For a confidential consultation, Rachel is available via Skype at rachel-factor or  Phone: US 845 510 4169 or Israel: 052 713 4130 or simply click here to complete our confidential contact form.