I received my Masters in Social Work from Wurzweiller School of Social Work.  I then learned under Dr. Jonathan Grayson – renown author of the book Freedom From Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  He runs a center in Philadelphia for the treatment of OCD and Agoraphobia.  He is one of the most successful OCD therapists Worldwide and his methodology is the cornerstone of my work.  Besides learning from him how to treat OCD and Anxiety Disorders, I learned a tremendous amount from him as a person.

I also learned under Aureen Pinto Wagner, author of several books on helping children with OCD and anxiety Disorders, including Worried No More.  She is based out of Rochester, N.Y.  Her methodology forms a strong basis for the work I do with kids.

Keywords of treatment would be Exposure and Response Prevention.  It is about exposing a person to their feared experience, without performing the rituals they would normally do to prevent their feared consequence from occurring.  This is a specific form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  It also involves looking at the person’s avoidance behaviors and having them get out of their comfort zone.